Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Hindu Crossword No. 2598 Solutions

1 Farming implement found in park lake (6) PLOUGH (park=P, lake=LOUGH => P+LOUGH)
4 A drunken bender around eastern city up North (8) ABERDEEN (A=A, drunken bender=ana. BENDER=BERDEN, eastern=E=>A drunken bender around eastern = A+BERDE(E)N)
10 Mineral one added to drop of Scotch in tumbler, perhaps (9) ISINGLASS (one=I, drop of Scotch=S, in=IN, tumbler=GLASS => I+S_IN+GLASS)
11 Dowdy woman, female with strange past (5) FRUMP (female=F, RUMP=??)
12 Poet reportedly in a thin woollen vest (7) SPENCER (Dbl Defn.?)
14 Supervise throughout diocese (7) OVERSEE (throughout=OVER, diocese=SEE??)
16 March show (11) DEMOSNTRATE (Dbl Def)
17 French flag I unfurled in tense ending to episode (11) CLIFFHANGER (French flag I unfurled=ana. FRENCH+FLAG+I)
20 Clinical trial drug giving home unpleasant smell (7) PLACEBO (home=PLACE, unpleasant smell=BO(Body Odour) => PLACE+BO)
21 Seaman found with crack gets pardon (7) ABSOLVE (Seaman=AB, crack=SOLVE => AB+SOLVE)
22 Accompanied artist in African capital (5) ACCRA (Accompanied=ACC, artist=RA => ACC+RA)
24 To win only? Precisely (2,3,4) ON THE NOSE (Dbl Def)
26 Inn, shortly to be renovated, accommodating earl (8) HOSTELRY (shortly to be renovated=ana. SHORTLY=HOSTLRY, earl=E=>shortly to be renovated, accommodating earl = HOST(E)LRY)
27 Taking the most optimistic view of a famous footballer? About time (2,4) AT BEST (a=A, famous footballer=BEST, time=T=>a famous footballer? About time = A(T) BEST)

1 Religious leader interferes over opening of temple (6) PRIEST (interferes=PRIES, opening of temple=1st letter of Temple=R => PRIES+T)
2 Passing remarks in cab, editor gets upset about it (6,5) OBITER DICTA (cab, editor gets upset= ana. CAB+EDITOR=OBER DICTA, it=IT=>cab, editor gets upset about it = OB(IT)ER DICTA)
3 Live performance in musical curtailed (3) GIG (musical=GIGUE=>musical curtailed = GIGUE-UE)
5 Social event in Lincs port causes international incident (6,3,5) BOSTON TEA PARTY (??)
6 Generals fire mostly crookedly in shooting galleries (5,6) RIFLE RANGES (Generals fire mostly=GENERALS FIRE-E=>Generals fire mostly crookedly = ana. GENERALS+FIR)
7 Bird employed by Science Museum (3) EMU (Container => SciencE MUsuem)
8 Short sleep taken by the French in European city (6) NAPLES (Short sleep=NAP, the French=LES => NAP+LES)
9 Bridesmaid on form at broadcast, on in sixty minutes (6,2,6) MATRON OF HONOUR (on form at broadcast=ana. ON+FORM+AT=MATRON OF, on=ON, sixty minutes=HOUR=>on in sixty minutes=H(ON)OUR)
13 Sympathise in clubs with old friend entertaining skinflint (11) COMMISERATE (clubs=C, old=O, friend=MATE, skinflint=MISER=>old friend entertaining skinflint = C+O+M(MISER)ATE)
15 The Queen in Israel, new one in country (6,5) SIERRA LEONe (The Queen=ER, Israel new=ana. ISLRAEL=SIRALE=>The Queen in Israel, new=ER in SIRALE=SI(ER)RALE, one=ONE => SIERRA LEONE)
18 Hack holding page with prominent story (6) SPLASH (Hack=SLASH, page=P=>Hack holding page = S(P)LASH)
19 Change sides in error (6) DEFECT (Dbl Def)
23 Cut price of lettuce (3) COS (Dbl Def)
25 Have a meal in Neath (3) EAT (Container => nEATh)


Chaturvasi said...

I got FRUMP from the def. "dowdy woman" quickly enough but I put it in only after I could explain it to myself satisfactorily. This process took a few seconds. It is f.-rum-p. From previous experience you might know that 'rum' also means strange.

Chaturvasi said...

How is it a double def clue?
Actually it is letter deletion clue or tail off clue.
COS(T) (price)

Chaturvasi said...

"See" (n.) does have the meaning "The seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located", broadly "diocese".

Chaturvasi said...

(American history) demonstration (1773) by citizens of Boston who (disguised as Indians) raided three British ships in Boston harbor and dumped hundreds of chests of tea into the harbor; organized as a protest against taxes on tea